Crown Consulting Inc.’s ATD-3/Dynamic Routes for Arrivals in Weather (DRAW) team successfully completed its fifth Human-in-the-Loop (HITL) simulation in the NASA Ames Traffic Control (ATC) simulation laboratory in early August 2019.
A key achievement of the simulation was the integration of the NASA DRAW technology with the latest version of the Federal Aviation Administration’s AA Time-Based Flow Management (TBFM) tool – marking a major project milestone.
DRAW computes conflict-free routes around weather and offers a trial planning capability that presents the weather conflict information and schedule impacts to TMCs in real time.
The DRAW software team comprises staff from Crown, Universities Space Research Association and MicroSystems Automation Group.
About Crown
Crown Consulting Inc. is shaping the future of air transportation with concept development, design and deployment of systems and aircraft. We bring more than three decades of experience working with the Federal Aviation Administration, NASA, states and industry. Our science and research, programs and engineering, and integration and infrastructure service areas integrate industry-leading air mobility technology and planning support, engineering, information solutions and advanced analytics that enhance system performance and provide robust air mobility solutions for government and industry clients. For more information, visit